Looking for a fast, easy, and affordable way to prepare your child for kindergarten... even if you don't have any extra time?

At Kids Who Care Online Preschool, we help your child get ready for kindergarten and have fun… from the comfort of your own home!

Save 70% When You Join Kids Who Care Online Preschool TODAY!

INTRODUCING: Kids WHo Care ONline Preschool!

and prepare your child for kindergarten for a fraction of the cost of local preschool!

Save 70% When You Join Kids Who Care Online Preschool TODAY!

Click play below to learn about our online preschool!


But there's never enough hours in the day to do everything you need to get done.

The clock is ticking and soon your child will be headed off to kindergarten.

Late at night, all you can think about is:

  • Is my child ready for kindergarten?

  • What am I even supposed to do to prepare my child for kindergarten?

  • What will happen if my child isn’t ready in time?

You've thought about enrolling your child in preschool, but honestly you'd love a fast, easy, affordable way to prepare your child at home. You're busy after all!

But all the apps and games you've found so far have you worried the screen time might do more harm than good:

  • What ads might pop up?

  • Will my child see something inappropriate?

  • Will the screen time turn my child’s brain to mush?

You’re not alone, my friend… and we’ve figured out the solution!



We prepare your child for kindergarten for a fraction of the cost of local preschool!

Graphic of Preschool Club
  • An award-winning, private preschool education for a fraction of the cost!

  • Kindergarten prep in the convenience of an online program!

  • Real preschool teachers from around the world who are caring, certified and qualified!

  • Safe online library with 300+ highly engaging preschool class videos!

  • No ads, inappropriate shows, external links to click, or addictive games!

  • Affordable, convenient, and easy to use!

  • Available anywhere, anytime, on any device!

Graphic: Featured on: preschool.org Best Online Preschool


It's as Easy as 1-2-3!

  1. You'll receive a login to our safe, protected library with 300+ preschool classes.

  2. You or your child can just click play.

  3. Every minute of screen time prepares your child even more for kindergarten!

And the best part? Your child can learn however your child learns best!

Standing up...

Kids moving with the teacher on a large screen TV

Sitting down...

Students sit in a semicircle watching the teacher on a laptop

At the kitchen table...

Boy holding a tambourine while watching the teacher on his tablet

Or even on the counter...

Boy sits on the kitchen counter watching the teacher on his tablet.


Say GOODBYE To Worry...

  • Worrying about what your child sees on screens

  • Feeling guilty about all the time your child spends on electronics

  • Worrying your child won't be ready for kindergarten

  • Wasting money and time

  • Bingeing mindless cartoons and addictive apps

Say HELLO To Kinder Ready!

  • Peace of mind, knowing Kids Who Care Online Preschool is safe

  • Feeling proud of the time your child spends online

  • Resting easy, knowing your child will be more than ready for kindergarten

  • Saving money and time

  • Real, live preschool teachers who care


At Kids Who Care Online Preschool, we teach all the skills below in an engaging, hands-on way!

Fine Motor Skills

Our hands-on activities can be done with materials you already have at home!

Child writes A in green sand

Social Skills

Your child will learn how to share, take turns, and follow directions!

Child waves at laptop

Life Skills

Our themes (Weather, Seasons, Animals, Space, etc.) connect learning to real life!

Child with headset smiles as he engages with laptop

Math Skills

Your child will learn shapes, colors, counting, patterns, sorting, and more!

Girl folds paper while watching teacher on laptop

Gross Motor Skills

We'll help your preschooler get their wiggles out!

Girl stretches to the side while watching teacher on large screen TV

Problem Solving Skills

Your child will explore math, science, art, & music!

Boy picks paper out of different colored liquids

Emotional Skills

Your child will gain confidence as they learn new skills every day!

Girl follows directions during arts and crafts time.

Literacy Skills

Your child will learn all phonics including letters, sounds, and pre-reading skills!

Girl watches a lesson about the alphabet on a laptop


Miss Crystal!

I'm passionate about teaching preschool!

Picture of teacher

Hi! I'm Miss Crystal and I'm the owner of Kids Who Care Online Preschool. I'll be your child's personal online preschool teacher! For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to start a preschool. I’m a Teach For America alumni with years of experience educating young children. I recently graduated with my Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education, and have taught in early childcare classrooms for almost a decade!

Now, I get to teach YOUR child online!
I can't wait!!


Kids Who Care online preschool:

Click on any of the classes below to see samples of our engaging teachers!

JOIN kids who care online PRESCHOOL TODAY:

Choose the program that's right for your family and save 70% when you join today!

Enroll now for our Fall 2024 online preschool classes! Sign up for Preschool Club Live or Premium BEFORE SEPT. 10th and receive our exclusive Founding Families offer: $20 off your monthly tuition for the ENTIRE YEAR!




Get your child ready for kindergarten... on your schedule!

If you want your child to learn and have fun in a safe environment, you'll love our ON-DEMAND program so your child can learn anytime, anywhere!



Was $65/month - Save 70%!

  • Award-Winning, Private Preschool Club with Several Certified and Qualified, Worldwide Teachers

  • Library of 300+ On-Demand Pre-recorded Preschool Classes in a Safe, Ad-Free Environment



Your child will socialize and make friends EVERY WEEK!

If you want your child to ALSO socialize, you'll love our LIVE program so your child can make friends by attending any of our live preschool classes on Zoom!



Was $145/month - Save 70%!

Live Classes held

Friday 1:00-1:45pm EST

  • Preschool Club On-Demand featuring library of 300+ Preschool Classes in a Safe, Ad-Free Environment

  • Virtual Family Meet 'n Greet

  • Virtual Graduation

  • Private Facebook Parent Community Featuring Learning Videos and Printable Resources

  • Live Preschool Classes on Zoom with Your Child's Teacher 1x a Week

get an Extra 20% off monthly tuition When you Sign up for preschool club live Before 9/10 With our founding families discount!




You child will have live 1-on-1 preschool lessons EVERY WEEK!

If you want your child to have personal attention, you'll love our LIVE program so your child can get focused, individualized learning 1-on-1 with Miss Crystal!



Was $225/month - Save 70%!

1-on-1 class 1x a week

  • Preschool Club On-Demand featuring library of 300+ Preschool Classes in a Safe, Ad-Free Environment

  • Virtual Family Meet 'n Greet

  • Private Facebook Parent Community Featuring Learning Videos and Printable Resources

  • Live 1-on-1 Preschool Classes on Zoom with Your Child's Teacher 1x a Week Based on Your Family's Schedule

  • Virtual Graduation

  • Initial and Final Assessments and Curriculum Designed to Ensure Your Child is Ready for Kinder

get our founding families discount - $49/month
When you Sign up for preschool club LIVE Before 9/10!


Best Value!


You child will have live 1-on-1 preschool lessons EVERY WEEK!

If you want your child to ALSO be more than ready for kindergarten, you'll love our PREMIUM program so your child can get personalized 1-on-1 kindergarten prep with Miss Crystal!



Was $400/month - Save 70%!

1-on-1 class 2x a week

  • Preschool Club On-Demand featuring

    library of 300+ Preschool Classes in a Safe, Ad-Free Environment

  • Virtual Family Meet 'n Greet

  • Private Facebook Parent Community Featuring Learning Videos and Printable Resources

  • Live 1-on-1 Preschool Classes on Zoom with Your Child's Teacher 2x a Week Based on Your Family's Schedule

  • Parental Feedback and Home Activities Provided

  • Welcome Kit with T-Shirt

  • Skill Builder Workbook

  • Virtual Graduation

  • Personalized Kinder Prep with Quarterly Assessments and Curriculum Designed to Ensure Your Child is Ready for Kinder

get our founding families discount - $99/month
When you Sign up for preschool club premium Before 9/10!

Class Schedule & Curriculum

Kids Who Care Online Preschool Live classes takes place twice a week, on Thursdays and Fridays, for 45 minutes. This is a LIVE preschool class led by a LIVE preschool teacher on Zoom. Please note that our activity schedule may change. Classes start promptly, so students should log in before the start time and wait for the teacher to admit them into the Zoom session.

Here’s an approximate schedule for our Preschool Live classes:

TeacherTalk Time (25 min):

Circle Time (Greeting, Shape/Color/Number/Letter of the Week, Calendar)

Social-Emotional Learning and Story Time

Music and Movement

KidTalk Time (20 min):

Activity and Games

Question of the Day or Show and Share


Kids Who Care Online Preschool Premium classes are one-on-one lessons between your child and the teacher on Zoom. Our Premium one-on-one preschool lessons are tailored to your child's unique learning needs and interests. Each 30-minute session is scheduled 1-2 times per week, based on what works best for your family's routine. Lessons are conducted live via Zoom, providing personalized attention for your preschooler. After each session, you'll receive feedback and activities to support your child's learning at home. Please note that lesson times and curriculum are flexible and will be arranged in collaboration with parents.

EXPERIENCE THE kids who care online DIFFERENCE:

We can't wait to teach your child, too!

Testimonial - All the teachers taught my son everything he needs to know for Kindergarten ll while having fun at the same time. We highly recommend it! - Jessica Vancoff
Testimonial - They are all such enthusiastic teachers. My three year old son is really excited to be part of Preschool Club. As a mother I have witnessed the positive impact that it has done in my toddler's education. - Katy Reyes
Samela is now singing the GOODBYE song already! All I am hearing is ADIOS ADIOS for the past five minutes. This is the START of her new BEGINNINGS. She loves learning different languages! - Norma Johnson
Testimonial - Our son has learned so much from the instruction. He is engaged because the teachers have diverse activities and approaches for the PK students. I would recommend preschool Club 100%. - Luisito Cintron Rosa
Testimonial - AMAZING!!! While I was previewing a class, my two and four year old came into the room. They were so excited with what was being taught they joined right in! - Kimberly Ann
Testimonial - Love it!!! I love the way they add a lot of movement with learning the alphabet. Lots of energy and enthusiasm! - Susan Falotico
Testimonial - Preschool Club has been an answer to my prayer that has been on my heart but I didn't even have the words to speak the prayer! - Deann Shamuyarira
Testimonial - My preschool students love Preschool Club! They enjoy how engaging the teachers are, and I love that they keep their attention which allows me to do other things around the classroom. - Amanda Michelle Smith


Absolutely love it or get your money back!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee Seal

We 100% guarantee that you will love everything you're going to get in Preschool Club.

If for any reason you don't feel that you got MORE THAN your money's worth, simply email us at crystal@kidswhocareonline.com within 14 days and we'll give you back your money... no questions asked.

But you should know we always over deliver, and you're going to be blown away by all the value you receive! There is literally no risk to you... we're taking the entire responsibility on our shoulders to give you the absolute best experience possible.


We have answers!

My child already spends a lot of time on screens. Does this replace the screen time?

With Kids Who Care Online, it's not about quantity, but quality. Every minute is designed to be interactive, engaging, and beneficial for their development. You'll swap passive cartoon watching with active learning that preps them for kindergarten and beyond! The live classes offer face-to-face social interactions to prepare your child and to develop them socially, emotionally, physically, and academically for Kindergarten and beyond.

How can online preschool be as effective as local preschool?

While the experience is different, Preschool Club has crafted a curriculum that harnesses the power of digital tools to boost learning. Our qualified teachers create content ensuring your child gets the benefits of traditional preschool, right at home.

I'm super busy. Do I need to supervise my child?

During live classes, your presence isn't required, but we encourage you to engage if possible. Ensure you can hear and monitor your child, assist if needed, and teach them how to unmute if you'll be away. Preschool Club On-Demand, designed for busy parents, offers user-friendly activities that keep your child engaged independently, giving you free time while knowing they're in a safe, educational space.

Is Preschool On-Demand easy to access?

Yes. As long as you have an internet connection, you can access it anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Can I cancel anytime?


Do I need to buy supplies?

No. Our curriculum is designed to be hands-on and self-contained within our preschool class each day so you don't have to buy any additional supplies. Most of the materials for lessons will be simple items found at home, such as paper and writing utensils. You'll be informed in advance about any materials needed for class.

© Preschool System

Contact Us: crystal@kidswhocareonline.com